B.Sc Apparel Manufacturing & Merchandising

  • Apparel Manufacturing & Merchandising (AMM), offers an excellent supports to the Textiles and Apparel Industries. Its providesa broad understanding of processes through the way from fiber to finished goods (Garments), with particular focus on production, quality, sourcing and costing.
  • The Pedagogy of this course, make discussions, demonstrations, case studies, practical exercises, and hands-on activities to the beneficiary of the pupil.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The B.Sc ( Apparel Manufacturing and Merchandising) program describe accomplishments that graduates are expected to attain within five to seven years after graduation

PEO1 Manufacturer and Merchandiser: The student can excel in the field of Manufacturing and Merchandising after the completion of the Program.
PEO2 Brand Management: The Student can develop his own brands in Apparel Sector.;
PEO3 Entrepreneur: Start- Up of An Entrepreneur with potential is possible with new ideas towards Apparel Industry.
PEO4 Visual Merchandiser: Student can work as Visual Merchandiser in reputed retail outlets
PEO5 Production Manager: Student can begin his carrier in the area of Apparel Production and Industrial Engineering.
PEO6 Quality Manger: Student can work as Quality Mangers and Inspection Officers in Garment Industry
PEO7 Fabric Manger: Student can work as Fabric Mangers in the Factories of Knits andWoven.
PEO8 Merchandiser: Student can work as Export Merchandiser and Retail Merchandiser
PEO9 Costing Manger: Student can work as Costing Mangers in Garment Factories, Supervisors in Textile Wet Processing and Printing.
PEO10 Consultant: Student can act as Consultant in Apparel Sectors.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

After the successful completion of B.Sc ( Apparel Manufacturing and Merchandising) program, the students are expected to

PSO1 The students have to learn Basic of Textiles such as Fibres and Yarns.
PSO2 The students are expertise in the area of Knitting and Weaving.
PSO3 The students are proficiency in the area of Dyeing and Printing.
PSO4 The students are skilled in the area of Textile Testing and Quality Control
PSO5 The Students are Capable of developing variety of Manual Pattern.
PSO6 The Students can extend Pattern in CAD Software’s.
PSO7 The Students should be enriched knowledge in Sewing Techniques.
PSO8 The Students must be talented in Merchandising Skills, Costing, ProductionPlanning and Programming.
PSO9 The students will have a clear idea towards Start- Up of an Enterprise.
PSO10 The Students ought to Export Sampling and New Product development.

Program Outcomes (POs)

On successful completion of the B.Sc ( Apparel Manufacturing and Merchandising) program

PO1 The Student will be thorough in the Molecular conformations of textile fibers andYarns.
PO2 The Students will be skilled in the Principles of Knitting and Weaving.
PO3 The Students will be strong in Fabric Production, defectiveness of the fabrics and their causes and remedies.
PO4 The Students will be skilled in the Dyeing and Printing Process.
PO5 The Students will recognize and understand ethical issues related to the accounting profession and to Prepare financial statements.
PO6 The Students will be capable in Quality parameters of Textile Testing.
PO7 The Students will have sound knowledge in Apparel Production Systems and Statistical Process Control.
PO8 The students will know the activities and Role of Merchandiser, Merchandise Management, Marketing, Planning, Buying and Selling functions.
PO9 The Students will be trained in Garment Costing, Processing of Export and Import orders and the implications of foreign trade policy
PO10 The students will have confidence and Entrepreneurial Skills essential for the successful launch and scaling-up of an Enterprise.
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